Friday, October 31, 2008

Well this is the way I would have........

Well I can talk all day long about what gets under my skin....but when it comes to putting things on paper, I'm not so good. I always say that too many people have too much of an outlet for their thoughts and they always seem to come at issues from a perspective of their social bias or something similar. All opinions should be measured against a standard. In any building trade you have some kind of instrument to show a true measure. You may use a level, a tape measure, a plum line, survey instrument, etc. But if you don't use the correct tool or instrument, then you have a crooked, out of level, poorly built (and usually unstable) structure. Application of this principle is mirrored in life. We need a standard for our lives. Every opinion, thought, action or plan needs a standard of absolute truth to guide it. This truth must be rooted in what is really right and wrong, in the knowledge of how to go about our lives and how to know the one who created us. The standard exists, though it is much maligned. It is criticized as being out of date, a myth, just a lot of stuff written by a bunch of men, etc. These arguments always strike me as funny, seeing as how they are usually made by people who place great importance on ancient manuscripts from other cultures or plays or novels written by long dead authors. They will seek to define their lives by anything they find interesting, except the one thing that makes a definite claim to be God’s book .That book is of course the Bible. I attempt to measure everything I do by this standard. Sometimes I see clearly where I am lacking or not lacking. Sometimes I miss the point, sometimes I ignore what it says (by accident or otherwise), sometimes I flat out refuse its’ correction (always with a consequence that is brought home later). But I still seek to measure my life by it. That is the example set by Moses and Abraham and King David and every other saint whose lives it records. They kept coming back, even when they had messed up terribly. Just remember, life is full of Monday morning, arm-chair quarterbacks and self-proclaimed experts, and, there opinions are only as credible as people make them out to be. Measure them and their opinions against absolute truth. .It's true that God will use the Bible to show you when you're wrong and have sinned. You may be surprised to find that He will also use it to show you when you are on the right track and give you the peace and confidence to make the right decisions. Just a few thoughts...................